MINUTES – March 2010
Present; John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, Ernie, Rod, John Maule, George, John Roberts, Joan and Michael.
1. It was noted that the key exchange had been completed but not without a few hitches, in particular, ‘ the prisoner of Plot 49’. Ian Woolard did not change the locks on the Clubhouse or the Toilets and I will chase him to do that.
2. Despite urgings the leaking toilet roof and consequential jamming toilet door has not been attended to.
3. Plots 40/41 which had been flooded are drying out – there is still a suspicion that the drainage work carried out by Edinburgh Leisure is directing water to these plots. Ian Woolard is talking once again about digging a ditch outside the boundary fence.
4. Our new bucket is in place. (Sadly, it has not been emptied since its arrival, either of weeks 8 or15 March) I have complained about this to Ian and stressed that with the reduced capacity we will not have the situation that developed last year were the buckets went unemptied on a regular basis. We are charged 600 pounds pa for this ‘service’ so we need to get it.
5. Our site now has a waiting list of over 200 plotholders eager to get allotmenting. There are new tenants in Plot 1 (tenancy given up) Plot 7a (move to full plot) Plot 14 (tenancy given up) and plot 48 (tenancy terminated – plot abandoned).
6. John Maule advised that there are free slabs available at Portobello- see Notice Board and web site– subsequently we are hoping to get a free delivery. Thanks to Rod/George. If we can manage this just help yourselves.
7. Norma arranged a Spring manure order. DELIVERY SATURDAY 27MARCH ABOUT 11 AM.
8. John Maule had noticed that other sites had a site map on their Notice Board with plotholders’ names and it was thought that this would be a nice sociable thing to do. Joan has an enlarged site plan and individuals can add their names if they wish. Thank you Joan.
9. There had been another case of a plotholder getting abuse when they had a fire. To recap we are able to have fires any Sunday when the wind is not blowing to the houses. The plotholder had adhered to these rules but still got abuse. We would be glad to know of any similar incidents. Ian Woolard will send the resident a letter reminding him of our arrangement.
10. Following the success of our B-B-Q last year we are holding another one on Saturday 15 May, same style as last year, an hour light community work then bring your own food and drink. John Roberts, your fruit Gin and Vodka was most appreciated! We can also chat about another B-B-Q in August.
11. The allotment Shop at Inverleith is open for the next few Sundays 2-3:30 – End of April.
12. We have decided to run 2 Site competitions this year. A children’s tallest Sun Flower, seeds from Monica and anyone’s best picture taken within the precincts of our site. Fruit, flower, weed, sun rise/set or my face after I have had too much of John’s fruit gin! This should provide some nice pictures for our web site. If you haven’t had a look, it is www.craigentinnyallotments.org John Maule’s true confessions of a serial vegetable grower is well worth a read.
……… and finally I am trying to put together an entry for the September flower show on behalf of the whole site. The theme would be Costa Craigentinny so I would be looking for exotic looking vegetables. There is a trophy to be won which I undertake to fill with an appropriate spirit. Anyone interested give me a shout.
Next meeting Saturday 3 April at 11 am.