Allotment Update

Loving Carrots

It’s unusual for a carrot to melt your heart, but George should have left these little lovers tucked up in the soil. If anyone happens to be in Barcelona tomorrow night don’t miss the vegetable orchestra who are playing at sustainable food week

Allotment Update

See you Next Year !

Can it really be that time of year already, we have had the last allotment meeting of the year, minutes attached, and everyone is busy clearing their plots for the winter. I don’t want to mention Christmas just yet, but John McKinlay managed to capture this festive little fellow on his plot

Allotment Update

Wildlife Update – George Rubienski

Some photos from the plot.
A (blurred)Tortoiseshell, a Speckled Wood, a long chat with a fox ( it said it was lonely) …. and a Robin ( not fully in the picture ) feeding as I dug.

Allotment Update

Next Allotment Meeting

The next allotment meeting is on Saturday 9th October at 11am (10:30am is you can help with some path clearing

Please let George know if there are any items you’d like added to the agenda

Allotment Update


By John McKinlay

This autumn I have had a huge crop of my autumn fruiting raspberries. For those that are interested in growing them the variety is Joan J, and are available just now from Marshals. Very reliable producing an abundance of big berries with an excellent flavour, mid August to the end of September.

Autumn fruiting varieties fruit on the current seasons growth thus avoiding the tying in and staking of summer fruiting varieties that fruit on the previous seasons growth. No need to net possibly because at this time of the year there is plenty other food for birds.

Allotment Update

Wildlife Report

When is a wasp not a wasp ?

Find out in the latest wildlife report from Mike Anderson

Allotment Update

Allotment Meeting Sat 11th September 11am – Agenda

Allotment Update

Empty Kitchens – Donations 4-5th September 2021

From John McKinlay

Next weekend 4/5 September I’m making another collection for Empty Kitchens. Any donations of surplus vegetables and fruit would be gratefully accepted. Last time the chefs made soup with our contributions so any leeks that could be spared would be ideal and no doubt folk will not have run out of courgettes πŸ˜‚ As we are now at the start of the apple harvest I am happy to take any apples. It would be useful if you know the type to note the apples either eating or cooking πŸ‘

As before please leave any donations on the trolley at our plot (64) ideally next weekend and I will deliver them on the Monday.

Allotment Update

New Plotholders Guide

We have a lot of new plot holders and Mike Anderson has written a very useful guide with lots of information, both about caring for your allotment and the site, as well as some of the weeds and wildlife you will see around. I’m afraid I had to remove the pictures, but I’ll add them to the site over the coming weeks

Allotment Update

Foxy Friend

Our resident fox has been busy. This morning he was seen exhuming the cadaver of a rat. Looked at me as if to say β€œjust doing my job guv” 🀣 and long may he continue πŸ‘ from John McKinlay