Category: Allotment Update
Summer on the allotment

March Meeting Minutes
Please find attached the meeting minutes for March 2022
Springtime – John McKinlay
John writes “ I always feels spring is on the way when I sow my broad beans.
2 in a 6 inch pot then top up with soil in the greenhouse or sheltered spot. When they are through about 2/3 inches I plant them out, no need for protection as they are completely hardy.”
I find if you sow directly in the ground at this time of the year, apart from being slower to germinate, mice tend to eat them 🐁

Craigentinny Plotholders’ Meeting
Saturday 5 March 2022 at 11.00
1. Arrangements for Tom’s memorial tree
2. Asbestos
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Garden Trolley
5. Communal Bins
6. Compost Delivery
7. Rats and Foxes
8. Continued from last time
a) John Maule’s 50th allotment year
b) Battery Powered Strimmer (Rod)
c) Solar Powered Recharging (Michelle and Joan P.)
d) Repairs to Communal Shed
e) Facebook Page (Joan P.)
9. AOB
10. Date of Next Meeting
Saturday 2 or 9 April?
Impatient Rhubarb
I’ve been a bit slow to get planting and I think my rhubarb is sending me a message !

Compost Delivery
I always feel the year starts in earnest when the annual compost delivery arrives. Its hard work, but I always enjoy the camaraderie as everyone comes together to get the truck unloaded and delivered onto plots. Huge thank you to George for arranging the delivery and getting everyone organised on the day. As well as 4, one tonne bags, we had another 4 tonnes worth of small bags which had to be taken off the truck and stacked inside the allotment site. There were more than a few aches and pains that night !

January Wildlife Report
While the plotters may not have done much on their plot over the winter, the wildlife have been busy as you can read in the latest wildlife report from Michael Anderson
Wildlife in January
We are finally getting a bit more daylight and it feels like winter is finally on the way out
The wildlife are certainly out and about and there’s a lot to see
If you are doing the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend or just enjoying the variety at the allotment, try to get some pictures to share with everyone on the website
Wildlife Report Sep/Oct 2021
While we have all been putting our plots in order the wildlife have been doing their own thing. Mike has kindly put together the attached wildlife report, which makes great reading.
You can read the report below and I’ve also included some pictures mentioned in the report as well as a picture of what might be a carder bee, snapped by Kirsten, and my own personal favorite, a redwing taken by Mike around the Easter Road area