Allotment Update

New order of Manure

If you want a delivery of manure (same basis as before) please add your name, plot number, phone number and number of bags required, to the sheet on the notice board.

Once we have enough for a delivery we will organise and let you know when it will be delivered.

Allotment Update

Evening News Article: 3 February, 2010

This article is about new Edinburgh Allotments and the waiting lists. Hope it is of interest. Find it on Edinburgh Evening News.

Allotment Update

Edinburgh in Bloom ‘Best Allotment Plot’

John & Monica's plot

Many congratulations to John and Monica for winning the ‘Edinburgh in Bloom Best Allotment Plot’. Their hard work, enthusiasm  and a big splash of colour has enlivened the allotments.

“An allotment with its own “bee cafe” and a community garden designed by volunteers are among the winners of this year’s Edinburgh in Bloom competition”