Allotment Update


Rod has managed to get a load of woodchips, perfect for paths. It’s at the front gate and all are welcome to help themselves. it’s on a first come first server basis so get in quick, before it’s all gone.

Allotment Update

Papermaking with Plants

The above course is being run at the Royal Botanic Gardens on 20th and 21st October. It is being run by expert Johnathan Korejko, and costs £90 (£81 for members). Not cheap but if your feeling flush or looking for a fantastic gift, call 0131 248 2937 or go to the website

Allotment Update



Remember that the clocks go back by an hour on October 28th, so the plot will be dark by 6pm ……………

Allotment Update

Seasonal Tips – Seaweed

With autumn here and the odd storm why not visit the beach and boost the fertility of the soil on your plot. How so? Autumn and winter is a great time to collect some seaweed from the beach. Scottish farmers have been using seaweed for centuries as a free fertilizer. It is full of the nutrients and trace elements that are so important for strong plant growth.
Of course its not really possible to collect enough to make a huge contribution to your manuring regime, but small amounts used wisely can hit the spot so to speak. A mulch on the asparagus bed will really help those spears come spring time. Also seaweed is a fantastic activator in the compost heap helping that whole mystical process speed right up.
So with Porty Beach being so near pay it a visit some fine winters day and get yourself some fine fertilizer.
John McKinlay
PS Make sure you only take the dead seaweed left after a storm, and check the rules of different beaches before you take anything

Allotment Update

Eat the Glut

I love mashed potatoes, but hate cleaning the pot afterwards, so I make a huge pot and then freeze it. Mix the mash with bacon, cheese, cabbage or kale. I freeze them in blocks wrapped in tin foil so I can just pop them in the oven to cook, and have no washing up………….!

Allotment Update


I love looking at some of the home made crafts I see on other plots, I’m sure other people do too, so please send pictures of your crafty projects to and I’ll publish them. To get started I thought I’d show you how I’ve used my old cut off jeans

Allotment Update


I love October, it’s light and cool enough to work, and provided it’s not too wet it’s a great time to improve the soil and finish off all those DIY jobs. I love it when the beds have been cleared and I can start planning the next years planting. Make sure you cover any unused beds, either with some green manure or black fabric/plastic.
Remember that the water will be shut off during the winter, and well into spring. If you can’t get a water butt set up, use a large pot covered with some fine mesh to keep it clean, so you’ll have some water for tender spring plants in the greenhouse.
Rhubarb doesn’t need much attention, but a little TLC now is well rewarded. Divide any congested clumps, clear all the dead leaves and mulch the crowns. Don’t use nutrient rich compost, as you’ll encourage flowering, but some bark will keep in warm and tidy.
Plant Garlic and overwintering onion sets
Remove the bottom leaves from your brassicas and make sure your Brussels sprouts are staked.

Allotment Update

Allotment Update

Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting – Saturday 8th September 2012

Tom (chair), Rod, John Mc, Michelle 1, Michelle 2, Steve, George (Minutes)

1. Chair. Agreed Tom would chair the meeting.
2. Matters arising from the last minutes.
A) Toilet Block Sign. Done – thanks to John M.
B) Communal Shed Roof. Ian Woolard has ordered roofing materials.
C) Scaffolding Planks. £19 collected so far.
D) Gift for Joan P. John Mc has arranged this.
E) Resurfacing of Main Path. Ian Woolard has this in hand.
3. Thefts. A number of thefts from plots have taken place. Please be aware of this and report anything suspicious to any of the attendees above.
4. Website Craigentinny Allotment website is up & running again. Please email any items for inclusion to John Mc.
5. FEDAGA 60th Flower & Veg Show. This will take place on the 16th Spetember. See notice board for details.
6. FEDAGA AGM. This will take place on the 16th October. See notice board for details.
7. Site Rep. John Mc has indicated his intention to resign. Anyone interested in taking over this role should please give their name to John Mc.
8. Roll of Felt This is available. Please ask Michelle.
9. A.O.B
A) The shop at Inverleith Allotments. This will be open during March & April.
B) King’s catalogue. John Mc has placed this plant & seed catalogue in the communal hut. FEDEGA has arranged a discount, which is also available online.
10. Date of next meeting – Sat 13th October at 11am.

Allotment Update

Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting AGENDA – 8th September 2012

1. Apologies
2. Matters Arising
A) Toilet block sign

B) Generator

C) Communal Shed roof

D) Payment for scaffolding planks

E) Gift for Joan

F) Main driveway – to be resurfaced (John M.)

3. Thefts from allotments – (George, John M, John Mc, Joan P, Jo)

4. Reopening of our website. (John Mc)

5. FEDAGA 60th Flower and Veg show (16 Sept) (John Mc)

6. FEDAGA AGM (John Mc)

7. Site Rep (John Mc)

5. Roll of felt – (Michelle)

6. A.O.B.

7. Date of next Meeting -13th October at 11.00