Allotment Update

Plot Holders Meeting – Saturday 11th May 2013 at 11am


1. Apologies
2. Matters Arising

A) Water Supply

B) Bin Uplift

3. Complaint about woodchip pile (Alex)

4. Dates for BBQ (Joan P.)

5. Removal of Trees ( John Mc.)

6. Thefts from plots (Jo)

7. Compost Deliveries

8. Maintenance of Communal Plot – pond, grass cutting, toilet block etc.

9. Report (John Mc.)

10. A.O.B.

11. Date of next Meeting – Saturday 8 June at 11.00

Allotment Update

Thanks to Jo P for this photo of our new plotters

Craigentinny Foxes
Craigentinny Foxes
Allotment Update

Minutes from March Meeting

Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting
Saturday 9 March 2013
Tom (Chair), John M., Rod, Alec, Joan A., Ernie, Michelle, Steve, John Mc, Morris, Susan, Dougie, Norma, George (Minutes)
1. Matters arising from the last minutes.
A) Site Rep. Agreed to continue arrangements as before i.e. John M. as our site rep and Joan A. as our point of contact with Ian Woolard.
B) Main Driveway. It was noted that the main driveway had been resurfaced and that a weed-killer had been added to the mix. We would monitor how it wears.
C) Trees on Site. It was noted that Ian W. had identified certain trees for removal. Disappointment was expressed that the two huge pines had not been prioritised and included. In addition we noted that at the far end of the plot trees were leaning into the fence. These posed a potential threat to the fence (especially in a high wind.) We would like these included in the tree removals. Agreed George would contact Ian W. about this.
D) Funding Increase. John reported that FEDAGA had not actioned any increase in funding for individual allotments.
E) Water supply. George will ask Ian W. when the water supply will be switched on.
2. Bin Uplift. Starting next Thursday
3. The Bottom Plots. Agreed this was not a priority for us. We did not think that raised beds would solve the flooding problem. The plots need proper drainage. John Mc will raise the matter with Ian W.
4. The Pond. It is leaking badly. Agreed we would dig a temporary pond for frogspawn etc while the main pond was repaired.
5. Bonfires. There are no restrictions on bonfires but plotholders are asked to be considerate of fellow plotholders and our neighbours when lighting bonfires.
6. Toilet Block. Needs painting again.
7. Plot Inspections. Will take place every two weeks. John Mc will post up dates.
8. Lawn mower. John M. had bought a new lawnmower which is available for use. The old one is still working (just!)
9. Date of next meeting. Saturday April 13, 2013 at 11.00

NOTICE TO ALL PLOT-HOLDERS If you haven’t been sent a copy of these minutes & would like a regular copy in future, then please email me at

Allotment Update


Due to the continuing cold weather the water has not been turned on yet. It’s expected to be truned on mid April, dependant on the weather.

Allotment Update

Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting AGENDA – March 2013

Saturday 9 March 2013 at 11.00

1. Apologies
2. Matters Arising

A) Site rep and liaison with Ian Woolard

B) Main Driveway

C) Trees and tree stumps

D) Funding increase – John Mc

E) Water supply

3 Bin Uplift

4. A.O.B.

5. Date of next Meeting – April 13

Allotment Update


FEDAGA has negotiated a discount on compost from Forth Resource Management, with free delivery to Edinburgh sites.
Peter Wright, who represents FEDAGA on the Council’s Strategy Steering Group, writes:

The Strategy Steering Group had a very interesting visit to Forth ResourceManagement to look at their composting system and view the various products. Sorry for the delay in this report
Visit organised by the CEC Allotments Officer.
Basically all the brown bin contents are sorted to remove plastics/metals (why do people put this stuff in??). It is rough shredded and piled into windrows 5m high x 30m long and left to compost. On the rainy day we were there the windrows were steaming from the heat generated within.
The windrows are turned and after about 8 weeks the compost is sifted and depending on end product further shredding and mixing with top soil.

FRM have various products see their website at

The product we were interested in is 10mm green compost, it comes in builders bags about 0.9 cu.m. It looked a good soil improver and equal to any home made compost. At £35 per bag. This is equal to about 15 x 60litre bags

We negotiated a price of £25 per bag if two or more bags are ordered per site with free delivery to the allotment site making the order.

Telephone No of FRM is 0131 339 5554
Contact John Donaldson Project Manager.

Allotment Update

Kings Seeds Discount for Plot Holders

Details of how to register online with Kings Seeds are now on the FEDEGA website,  Registered plot holders can secure a discount of 45% when ordering seeds online. If your order is over £30 then you can avoid the £1.50 p&p charge, so it might be worth plot holders getting together to place orders. One of the big advantages with this site is that there is no deadline for orders

Allotment Update

View from the shed May 2010 and July 2010

What a difference 2 months makes

Allotment Update

November – Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting

Saturday 10 November 2012

Tom(Chair), John M., Rod, Alec, Joan P., Joan A. Ernie, George (Minutes)

1. Matters arising from the last minutes.
A) Communal Shed Roof. Repair has now been ordered.
B) Website update. Joan P looking for more material for the website. John M. has put up a notice to this effect.
C) Site Rep. Agreed that Joan A. would be the point of contact for Ian Woolard (i.e. he should email or write to Joan when he wishes to raise or respond to matters.). Also agreed that we would take turns to contact Ian W. on new or continuing issues that are raised at each meeting.
2. Main Driveway. Agreed that when the driveway is renewed we do not want soil and material from this put on the end plots. We would prefer that it is removed from the allotment site. Suggestion was made that it could be used to level off the car park.
3. Bin uplift. Last one for this year will be on 15 Nov.
4. OAB.
A) Trees and Tree Stumps. Concern was again raised at size of some the trees and the problem with large tree stumps that have been left on some allotments. We wish these trees to be cut down and the stumps removed. If they were chipped on site we could use the wood chippings for paths etc.
B) Funding increase. We noted that we had agreed to the FEDAGA suggestion to an increase in funding for individual plots. John M. will enquire if this has been progressed.
C) Water Supply. It was noted that the water was still on.
D) Seeds. Joan has left some spare seeds in the communal hut available to plot-holders.
E) Lining the walls of the Hut. Agreed not to proceed with this.
F) Repainting the Toilet. Agreed to do this when the weather allowed. Noted that although the toilet was still damp it was better than before.
5. Date of next meeting.
Saturday 9 March 2013 at 11.00
NOTE John M. will raise the following items with Ian W. 1C, 2, 4A,B,C

If you haven’t been sent a copy of these minutes & would like a regular copy in future, then please email me at

Allotment Update

Through the Looking Glass: Botanical art by Heather Raeburn

It’s frustrating when the weather stops you getting out on the plot, but this is a great in-door event at the Botanic Gardens to indulge in
Heather Raeburn produces studies of plants in the most minute detail, often with the assistance of a magnifying glass, with the aim of capturing some of what she describes as the ‘magic of plants’, and showing that magic to viewers of her work.

FRI 16 NOV 2012 — SUN 24 FEB 2013
Time: 10.00 am — 4.00 pm
Location: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Venue: Gateway Gallery, upstairs at the John Hope Gateway
Price: FREE
Age: All ages
Booking: No booking required