We had a lovely day on Saturday 30th April, planting a tree in memory of Tom Cashman.
Kathy and Johnny, gave emotional speeches about Tom, the partner, family man and allotment friend. Johnny read the poem “Digging” from fellow Irishman Seamus Heaney and everyone Everyone had the opportunity to share their favorite stories about Tom.
It was then time to plant the apple tree called Spartan, which seems very appropriate.
John Maul presented, what I had expected to be a rough, rustic wooden plaque, and which turned out to be a beautiful, hand carved piece of stone which must have taken ages to carve and was definitely a labour of love. I think Tom would have felt very honoured.
What really struck me was the different memories of Tom, I think he was the kind of man who gave everyone exactly what they needed. I found he would always stop for a quick chat and to give me, what I thought was advice, but now realise was simply encouragement. Tom’s motto seemed to be “Sure, give it a go, and see what happens” which is sound advice on an allotment.
I don’t think anyone on the allotment site, knows their neighbours very well, but there is a lot of kindness and a sense of belonging, which I hope Tom felt.
It’s sad that Tom is no longer with is, but I think we were all very lucky to know him and I, for one, am very much looking forward to seeing the first fruits of the Spartan tree.