Allotment Update

Minutes from March Meeting

Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting
Saturday 9 March 2013
Tom (Chair), John M., Rod, Alec, Joan A., Ernie, Michelle, Steve, John Mc, Morris, Susan, Dougie, Norma, George (Minutes)
1. Matters arising from the last minutes.
A) Site Rep. Agreed to continue arrangements as before i.e. John M. as our site rep and Joan A. as our point of contact with Ian Woolard.
B) Main Driveway. It was noted that the main driveway had been resurfaced and that a weed-killer had been added to the mix. We would monitor how it wears.
C) Trees on Site. It was noted that Ian W. had identified certain trees for removal. Disappointment was expressed that the two huge pines had not been prioritised and included. In addition we noted that at the far end of the plot trees were leaning into the fence. These posed a potential threat to the fence (especially in a high wind.) We would like these included in the tree removals. Agreed George would contact Ian W. about this.
D) Funding Increase. John reported that FEDAGA had not actioned any increase in funding for individual allotments.
E) Water supply. George will ask Ian W. when the water supply will be switched on.
2. Bin Uplift. Starting next Thursday
3. The Bottom Plots. Agreed this was not a priority for us. We did not think that raised beds would solve the flooding problem. The plots need proper drainage. John Mc will raise the matter with Ian W.
4. The Pond. It is leaking badly. Agreed we would dig a temporary pond for frogspawn etc while the main pond was repaired.
5. Bonfires. There are no restrictions on bonfires but plotholders are asked to be considerate of fellow plotholders and our neighbours when lighting bonfires.
6. Toilet Block. Needs painting again.
7. Plot Inspections. Will take place every two weeks. John Mc will post up dates.
8. Lawn mower. John M. had bought a new lawnmower which is available for use. The old one is still working (just!)
9. Date of next meeting. Saturday April 13, 2013 at 11.00

NOTICE TO ALL PLOT-HOLDERS If you haven’t been sent a copy of these minutes & would like a regular copy in future, then please email me at