Allotment Update

Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting AGENDA – 8th September 2012

1. Apologies
2. Matters Arising
A) Toilet block sign

B) Generator

C) Communal Shed roof

D) Payment for scaffolding planks

E) Gift for Joan

F) Main driveway – to be resurfaced (John M.)

3. Thefts from allotments – (George, John M, John Mc, Joan P, Jo)

4. Reopening of our website. (John Mc)

5. FEDAGA 60th Flower and Veg show (16 Sept) (John Mc)

6. FEDAGA AGM (John Mc)

7. Site Rep (John Mc)

5. Roll of felt – (Michelle)

6. A.O.B.

7. Date of next Meeting -13th October at 11.00