5th March, 2011
Meeting Minutes
Present: John and Monica, Ernie and Joan, Norma, Rod
Welcome to Alex and Louise Renton (new plot holders) and Barbara Seel (guest from Leith Links).
1. Permission given for FEDAGA committee to meet in our clubhouse for their 7th June meeting.
2. Inverleith shop is now open, Sundays, 2-3.30. Good bargains e.g 2k lime @45p and 1k BF&B @ 55p.
3. Allotment training available – see FEDAGA website. Also on website you can add you e-mail address to be alerted to deals and bargains e.g straw bales and water butts.
4. Bins will resume next week (w/c 7th March).
5. Pond in need of some remedial work and landscaping. Ernie and Joan will organise.
6. Concern was express over the state of the toilet roof. John has been in touch with Ian Woolard who will deal with this. The shed roof may also need maintained.
6. As mentioned at the end of last year, John and Monica will continue to be site reps but will no longer organise or minute the meetings or manage the website. We have always been greatly encouraged by the support given by everyone but feel that after three years we have done our bit. Consequently, we will no longer be doing these jobs but will of course continue to support anyone who takes them forward. To summarise, John will be site rep, Katie is treasurer and anyone else who wants to do any of the other jobs should be in touch.