Present: John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, John Roberts, George, Joan Anderson, Ernie Curtis, Rod, John Maule, Norma and June Carlyon .
1. Thanks to Ernie for fitting new locks and hardware to the clubhouse, to John Maule for fitting the unscrewable screws and to Katie for painting the clubhouse.
2. Rats – In the past two weeks we have had two visits from the pest control officer. There have been no further sightings and although one set of bait is gone the others remain untouched. Plot holders are requested to be vigilant and continue the good work of keeping the site clear of anything that might attract them.
3. Fires- Since Ian spoke to the intruder there have been no further reported confrontations with him. Plot holders should let John know if there are any problems.
4. City of Edinburgh is carrying out an Open Space Audit. Poster displayed in clubhouse and questionnaire forms available if anyone wants to take part.
5. Discussion about Mare’s Tail and how we might tackle this problem. Tom Cashman has investigated various remedies and will look into it further. Anyone with suggestions on this please speak to Tom. Meantime John will ask Ian Woolard if he can give us any help or advice.
6. AOB and general discussion was followed by a plant swop and tea/coffee. Thanks again to Norma for the home baking!