Present: John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, John Roberts, George, John Maule and Norma Carlyon .
1. John opened the meeting by thanking Katie for the fruit trees, chippings, benches etc.; Tom for bagging and delivering everything to plot; Johnny for straw bales; Rod for organizing delivery of the old windows; Helen for her Recycle bay posters; Richard for collecting the planks and Chris for donating two bags of bark for clubhouse plot.
2. The Recycling Bay is now up and running so help yourself to items and add in anything useful that you no longer need. Helen will monitor this area.
3. Posters have been completed for the Competitions- see notice boards-encourage the kids.
4. Edinburgh in Bloom- for info- again leaflets on the notice board.
5. Rats – see notice board for details.
6. Ian’s Visit –plot inspection- 2 plots moving to half- he said that he thought that Craigentinny was the most improved site in Edinburgh- fires(item 7)- spray perma plot and keys(item 8)- insurance (item 9)- water pressure was examined and solutions considered.
7. Fires- Ian has spoken to the intruder and he now knows that fires are allowed and that he shouldn’t abuse the plotholders. We have suggested that we have fires only on a Sunday when there is a west wind. He is happy to accept this and the Committee has agreed in principle. John will be back in touch with Ian.
8. Perma culture situation- Ian has offered to spray the plot but this is not required- We have done a good bit of work so far but will need help if we are to move it on. Community day suggested- see notice re the work so far- improvements-what next?
9. Clubhouse Day- plant trees- paint shed- put down bark etc. 16 May
10. AOB