Present: John and Monica McKinlay, John Roberts, Helen Gestwick, Alistair, Joan Anderson, Ernie Curtis, Rod, John Maule, and Norma Carylon .
1. July minutes were agreed.
2. Thanks to George Brown for strimming the community plot, Katie for cleaning out the toilet when it was flooded. Ian Woolard aware of necessary repair.
3. The break- in was discussed. The fence had been cut in two places, the clubhouse windows broken, the pond liner damaged and about a dozen sheds broken into. Nothing was taken. The police investigated and will alert the Community Police team and local householders. The council had made a temporary repair to the fence and John will contact Ian Woolard on his return from holiday to ensure a permanent repair to the fence and see if he has any contacts at Forestcraft who could help with the replacement windows. John Maule left a Tool Station catalogue in the shed for anyone who might want to replace or upgrade their locks etc.
4. The BBQ had gone very well and everyone had enjoyed it. A special thanks to John Robertson for his homemade refreshments. On the day we had successfully lined the pond but the break-in has set us back. Ernie volunteered to tidy up the pond and repair the liner. Helen will price and source gravel etc.
5. We do not have contact numbers for all the plot holders so were unable to let everyone know about the break-in so we discussed the possibility of a website and Helen will look into adding us to her web server. John said he would ask for contact numbers of those who might want to be contacted by phone in such an instance in future.
6. Manure- it’s that time of year again and we will put up a notice asking for names of those interested. Norma volunteered to be the contact point again this year.
7. The Competitions will be judged on Ian’s return from holiday and winners will be contacted before the end of August- see notice boards.
8. FEDEGA Vegetable Show- again info on the notice board. John said that he was going to enter and that we could enter vegetables as a site so he would organize that if anyone was interested. Schedules in the clubhouse.
9. AOB
As each shed broken-into is a separate incident report, each plot holder concerned would have to report their own beak-in. If you wish to do so you will need to quote the incident number given to cover the fence and the clubhouse which is No 473 of 29 July. However, this is probably not worth your hassle and no one should feel obliged to do so.